Breastfeeding Portrait, Abergavenny, South Wales.

Rosie & Olivia

"Breastfeeding was something I had always wanted to do, so when I found out that I was pregnant I did my research and found all that I may need to know!

Once my daughter was born and had her first official weighing, I had accusations of not feeding her due to her losing 28% of her weight, after stressing and crying about it in the paediatric ward to discover that my daughter was incorrectly weighed at her birth, the accusations and week spent in hospital to prove that I was feeding her and the formula pushing made me want to stop completely as I felt worthless and like I couldn’t do it. If it wasn’t for the great support from my husband and close friends and family I would have surely given up! I am glad that I didn’t give up as the bond me and my daughter have through breastfeeding is better than I could have ever imagined.

When it came to public feeding I found it scary at first so looked for local groups and people to help with outside latch with a discreet method to help me get over the scary feelings! I now have no worries and happily feed in a low cut dress/top and have only had 1 bad experience whilst feeding this way and a member of the public stood up for me and asked the person to leave.

Breastfeeding is a natural way of life and the best start I could have ever given or wished for my daughter."

Mother Nurture is an ongoing portrait series created to celebrate breastfeeding Mothers. If you would like to take part drop me a message at