Breastfeeding Project, South Wales.

Mari & Thomas

"I feel very lucky and grateful that Thomas has been able to have breastmilk for his first few months even though it couldn't come from me. I began looking into milk sharing when Thomas was having stomach issues on formula (despite trying different types). The idea of milk sharing can be off-putting for some people but I think that this is partly down to the way in which breastfeeding has come to be viewed in western countries. Human milk is ideal for babies and has many health benefits even if it's not from the baby's own mother. There are currently 17 milk banks in the UK but not one in Wales - hopefully there will be one here soon! I am so grateful to the three amazing women who have donated their milk to Thomas, especially Lydia Timmons - thank you!"

Mother Nurture is an ongoing portrait series created to celebrate breastfeeding Mothers. If you would like to take part drop me a message at