Motherhood Photography South Wales - Outdoor Photoshoot - Abergavenny Mini Sessions

I’m thrilled to be sharing a few of the shots I captured of Emrys and his Mummy, Seren to promote my upcoming mini outdoor photoshoot event! Read on to find out more about these Motherhood mini sessions!

Motherhood, the true definition of a full time job and some times, it’s hard. There’s no shame in admitting that. I know there are days when I feel completely and utterly drained both physically and emotionally.

In our house we’ve been on a run of rough nights sleep, up throughout the night with requests for drinks, cuddles, toilet, too cold, too hot and every other desire my three year old could possibly think of. Yet still, at 6am, my son runs into our room, ready to head downstairs and start the day. We spend the day playing, cooking, negotiating, adventuring, learning with just a few moments here and there to sip my stone cold cup of tea.

But what does this familiar scene have to do with an outdoor photoshoot? Well one evening, I took my little one upstairs, I sat by his bed struggling to keep my eyes open as I tried to read his bedtime story. He asked to sit on my lap and as he cuddled into me, drifting off to sleep he whispered, “Mummy I love you, you’re my best Mum.”

With that simple little sentence I was brought back to life. And I knew that as tiring as Motherhood is, I wouldn’t change it for the world. My son is my pulse, he’s my light, my purpose. It those moments, those sweet signs of affection that remind you what a blessing it is to be a Mother. Those are the moments I want to celebrate with this special mini outdoor photoshoot event.

The Motherhood minis are to capture that incredible bond you share with your little one. My hope is to help you celebrate the wonderful moments that make up Motherhood! Your own outdoor photoshoot to create images full of love and laughter which you can enjoy forever. Images to cherish…. Images which are also handy to look at on the days where your child is pressing every button you have, a reminder that you do love them, even on the tough days!

The mini outdoor photoshoot event will be taking place on the 18th of July, in the beautiful Linda Vista Gardens in Abergavenny. Spaces are limited so please do not hesitate to get in touch to book your mini outdoor photoshoot.

For more information including pricing and mini session F.A.Qs please head here.

If you’re ready to book your mini outdoor photoshoot or want to ask me a question of your own please get in touch.

Don’t forget to come over and say hi to me on Instagram, it’s my favourite place on the internet!