Personal Branding Photographer - Importance of an About Me Page - Commercial Photography South Wales

Your about me page is one of the most important pages on your website and today we’re diving into why. Also this personal branding photographer is going to share a couple of ideas for getting the most out of it!

User journey.

Warm welcoming smiles

We all know when designing our website that it’s essential to keep your client journey in mind, structure your pages to guide them through the experience. Research shows that around 52% of your website visitors will go straight to your about me page once landing on your site. It’s clear this is not a page to just chuck together it deserves some respect!


Give clients the faith to put things in your hands

It’s a well known phrase that people buy from people. But to really build onto that, people buy from people they trust. Of course it makes sense, you wouldn’t part with your money to someone who gave you bad vibes! You want your money to be in good hands, with someone you trust to deliver. Think about the last time you shopped on Amazon, the same product can be sold by several sellers, you’re always going to opt for the one with the best reviews, right? Social proof makes sellers more trustworthy.

Your about me page is the perfect place to build that trust with your client, tell your story, invite them into your world, be a little vulnerable. Show them you are an approachable person, not a faceless business.

The one and only.

Thanks to the internet and social media, there has never been an easier time to launch your own business. Which is great…..but also a bit rubbish. Yes it means you’ve been able to turn your passion into your income but it also means every Tom, Dick and Harry has too. Believe me, as a personal branding photographer I feel every which way I look there’s new ‘photographers’ popping up all around me. It can be a little daunting to be in an over saturated market but by truly leveraging your unique selling point you can stand out in any crowd.

Wondering what your USP is? Well, it’s YOU!

You do you!

Let’s be real, it isn’t difficult for your competitors to try to emulate your services or products, I know it’s happened to me a bunch of times! Try as they might though there is one thing your competitors absolutely CANNOT replicate and that’s who you are. You have a story completely unique to you, there’s no one with your personality, beliefs, interests. Those things are what will set you apart from the rest. Use your about page as a platform to highlight all your best features!

Thank you, next.

An about me page full of character can be quite polarising. So I’ll use my page as an example, I have a list of my favourite things in life, I also have a list of my pet peeves….Some people may see my pet peeves and feel a little attacked and they choose to exit my site and never think of me again. Great! When first starting a business you want to work with every client you can, you’ll say yes to everything but as your journey continues you start to realise that that isn’t very fun. Sometimes you and a potential client aren’t the right fit for each other. So I say use your about me page as a chance to weed out the wrong clients and speak directly to the dream clients! Include information that people can relate with or disagree with, don’t be afraid to be authentic.

Let's be real!

Tips from a personal branding photographer.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “you’ve got the attention span of a goldfish” well to that I say, “I bloody wish I did!” The attention span of a goldfish is nine seconds, want to know the average attention span of an adult is? EIGHT SECONDS!

So it’s really vital that your about me page is engaging enough to keep your client there!

And to continue being the barer of bad news statistics, turns out that users will form their opinion of your website within 0.5 seconds of it loading. How can you make your about me page judgy goldfish proof?

  • Break your content up, people see big chunks of text and immediately switch off.

  • Lists! Easy to consume bullet points, like this one…chances are some people skimmed the entire blog post but found the time to read this list…

  • Add an interactive element. A slideshow, a video, something to catch their eye, keep them on your page.

  • IMAGES! Perfect for breaking up your text, showing off your products or services and boost your engagement. And with just 0.5 seconds to make a first impression what better way than with a welcoming headshot to introduce yourself?

  • Include testimonials, remember we talked about social proof? This is a great way to build trust!

I hope this has helped you realised just how important a good about me page is and given you some clarity on creating your own killer about me page!

Step out of the shadows and let's get you seen!

If you’re ready to level up your website and put your best foot forward with your clients then hire me as your personal branding photographer!
Head here to read all about my in depth, bespoke commercial photography services.