Commercial Photography South Wales - Personal Branding - Abergavenny

Time to introduce Ruth Bailey of Root Nutrition, an extremely knowledgeable naturopathic nutritionist based in Abergavenny. Her business is relatively new but she has already helped so many of her clients reach their health goals. She wants to help and reach even more people so she made the decision to invest into her business with a personal branding session with me.


I have many personal branding packages available for clients so wherever they are in their business I can meet your needs. Ruth chose my ‘elevate’ package which includes 50 digital images and a 3 hour session. During our consolation call before the personal branding session I helped Ruth plan what she needed from the session and where exactly we should shoot to get those images. As we are both Abergavenny locals we were spoilt for choice on where to shoot!


We chose to begin Ruths personal branding session in her own home, in her kitchen preparing a beautiful and colourful salad. It was important for Ruth to show her clients the reality of pursing a healthy lifestyle in her own home. She speaks often about eating wonderful food in a realistic and manageable way whilst juggling everything else in life. Now she has lots of images showing just that to share on her social media with her audience.

When planning a personal branding session I always want to get into the mind of the business and clients so that we can create images that will serve in multiple ways. Ruth wondered wether or not it would work to have some photos in her clinic setting where she meets with clients face to face. Keeping her client in mind, I thought it was a great idea to have shots created in the clinic. I’m sure a client would love to see the setting they are most likely to be working in with Ruth, nervous clients will find comfort in knowing what they can expect to walk into. And I feel that your business marketing is a great way to comfort and encourage clients, using it as an opportunity to remove any barriers they might face when working together.


Our final location of choice was to have Ruth foraging through the local meadows showcasing just some of the wonderful bounty nature has to offer. This was my favourite part of our personal branding session as Ruth truly came alive enthusing over the plants she found during the photos. It was wonderful to see her excitement and I really feel like her enthusiasm seeped through into these photos. What a wonderful way to show Ruths clients just how much passion she has to share!


It’s always a joy to work with other small businesses on their personal branding, check out this blog to see another wonderful business I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with.


For more information on the different personal branding packages I have to offer please click here.


I’m so passionate about helping other small business find that precious work, life balance that I share tons of actionable advice over on Instagram to help you get there. Find me here.