DIY Newborn Photoshoot -Newborn Photography South Wales - 5 Simple Tips

A few weeks back I wrote a blog giving my tops tips for creating your own maternity portraits. I’ve had SO many messages from people telling me how much it helped them create their pregnancy photos. So now I want to help you with your DIY newborn photoshoot too!

Dad getting ready with the camera!

And breathe!

The first thing I want you to do before you even think about touching a camera is to relax with some deep breaths. Remember this is a fun, happy thing you’re doing so enjoy it.

No stress, no pressure. If you, your partner or baby isn’t feeling it today then try again tomorrow! No stress, no pressure.

When you feel content and relaxed it will translate into your images!

Happy family enjoying this time together

Find your light for a DIY newborn photoshoot

Light is one of the most important components of photography. I suggest creating images whilst you stand facing a window. Turn off any artificial lights and just use natural light for a soft cosy feel.

Make sure the person taking the photo doesn’t get in the way of the light source and cast strange shadows on your subject.

Light softly falls on this sleeping babe.

It’s in the details

During your DIY Newborn Photoshoot be sure to get in close to baby and document the little details. Ears, lip, fingers, toes and so on.

Personally I enjoy creating these kind of images with a macro lens. Which means I can get in extra close and fill my frame with those dreamy features.

Using your iphone? No worries, head to Amazon and buy yourself an inexpensive macro attachment. 

Close up to get this sleepy smile.

Keep moving

I like to place my subject, in a good light then ask them to simply interact with baby, get lost in that warm fuzzy feeling. Whilst they do this I move around them, getting shots from all different angles, catching every little detail.

Get creative!

A different perspective from above.

No posing!

Now it’s no secret that I’m not a fan of posed newborn photography. I strongly suggest that you don’t attempt to pose your baby during your DIY newborn photoshoot!

We’ve all seen the images of babies in frog pose, where baby appears to be resting their head on their hands. I’ve seen so many attempts at recreating these images by parents and it’s frighting!

Theses poses are done by professionals who have been trained, at least they SHOULD have been! The poses are not as straight forward as they appear and are often achieve through extensive editing in post.

Please please do not attempt to recreate them, baby’s safety could be put at risk!

My approach is very organic and natural. Instead of posing I prefer to simply have a family cuddle up together, reflecting on this magical time. This approach lends to more intimate and emotive images. Portraits that will bring back all these incredible emotions for years to come.

Mum enjoying a joke whilst she feeds baby.

Here are some blogs you might be interested in…

5 Must Have Newborn Images

How to create your own maternity portraits

Want to talk about creating professional newborn portraits? Please visit my newborn page or drop me a message, I’d love to chat!