Newborn Photography South Wales - Natural Newborn Photos - Do you HATE newborn photography?

Do you desperately want gorgeous photos of your newborn baby but can’t stand ‘traditional’ studio newborn photography? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’m all about creating your natural newborn photos. Creating images of those first weeks with baby that are full of emotion. Images that truly capture the strong feelings you have right now. That tell your story!

You’ve just had baby! Congratulations! You’re full of love, excitement, disbelief and sleep deprivation. But it’s all good, the oxytocin is flowing and you’re floating on a cloud of newborn bliss. You’ve waited for this chapter of life for so long and now you want a way to document this amazing adventure. You’ve had a look online at newborn photography and you’re feeling well, disappointed. You’ve seen 100s of photos of babies wrapped in blankets and posed in baskets and honestly, you’re not into it. So what’s the alternative? Creating your natural newborn photos at home, with me! That’s the alternative.

I love creating natural newborn photos for my clients and when we get chatting there’s one thing that comes up every-time. How much they HATE the ‘traditional’, baby in a basket, newborn photography. I want to be honest with you I hate it too! I’ve tiptoed around this subject for the LONGEST time. But who decided that’s how we photograph babies?

Yes these photos of posed babies covered in bows and lace are beautiful, but can we all admit something….these photos could be of ANY baby! They all look the same!

I don’t know about you but I want pictures of my newborn to remind me of how perfect they looked when they were tiny. Natural newborn photos that will transport me back to the newborn days forever! When my son was first born I spent hours just staring at him, wanting to savour the image of him forever. And I can tell you now, never, when I looked down at his little features did I think, “you know what’s missing? A ridiculous knitted bonnet and an antique bucket I can pop you into…”

Don’t even get me started on the POSING! Theres a pose that you will have undoubtedly seen if you’ve ever googled newborn photography and that’s the ‘frog pose’. It’s the one where baby’s head is propped up onto their own little hands. This one is my biggest pet peeve, it just looks SO unnatural and you know why? Because it is unnatural. Tiny babies cannot support their own head in this manner. In fact when photographers create this image they have to support babies head then take several shots of the pose, stitch those photos together so they can edit out the adults hands supporting babies head. As someone who of course massively advocates natural newborn photos you can probably understand why I hate these so much. So staged, posed and forced.

A newborn session with me takes place in the comfort of your home. It’s a slow affair and very relaxed. Before I even get the cameras out we sit for a while chatting. Getting to know one another so I can understand you, your needs and how I can make you feel most at ease. Then most often without you even realising I get to creating your natural newborn images.

I often start with parents cuddled up all together with baby. Once I have you all sitting in close I get you to tell me all about your baby, what’s surprised you most about becoming a parent. To tell me about the big huge love you feel in your chest whenever you look at them. I get you completely immersed in your baby so that when I take your photos you can see that love in your own eyes. You can feel that big love again and you can forever cherish the fleeting chapter that is the newborn days.

That to me is what newborn photos should be all about. Love.

If you too want to create natural newborn photos which are full of love and connection please get in touch.


Want to see one of my natural newborn photo session? Head to this blog where we welcomed baby Eoin into the world!


And finally if you’d like to chat with me either to rant along with me about posed newborn photography or come and give me hate for bashing it then please find me on Instagram!